Payment Policy

Accepted Payment Methods

We offer Paypal digital payment options.
When using PayPal during checkout, you will be redirected to PayPal's site to finalize your payment before returning to If your card transaction is approved, the amount will be reserved immediately, and you will receive an email confirmation of your order. If the transaction is declined, your order will be canceled. For any issues related to payment approval, please contact your bank or card provider directly.

Payment Security

Our website,, employs SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology to ensure the security of your data as it is transmitted over the internet. This is indicated by a padlock icon in your browser’s address bar and the use of "https" in our web address, signaling that you are in a secure mode. is certified by Cybertrust, confirming the security and confidentiality of your data.
For customers within the European Union, compliance with the Second Payment Services Directive (PSD2) may necessitate additional verification of your payment. This could involve redirecting you to a page for further information input, or requiring mobile verification. After this verification, you will be redirected back to our website.